Insurance Disputes

Article (83) A- The Director General may form a committee to look into the submitted complaints concerning insurance services and to settle these complaints. The decision issued by the committee shall be obligatory to the Company.
  B- The functions of the committee stated in paragraph (A) of this Article, its authorization and all matters related thereto, shall be determined pursuant to Instructions to be issued by the Board for this purpose.
Article (84) A- The Board shall issue upon the recommendation of the Director General, the necessary Instructions to implement the alternative dispute resolution in insurance disputes, including mediation and arbitration, and all the provisions, procedures and fees resulting there upon.
  B- A special register shall be organized at the Commission that includes names of the appointed mediators and arbitrators in the insurance disputes. The accreditation conditions and requirements shall be determined pursuant to Instructions to be issued by the Board for this purpose.
  C- Notwithstanding what is stated in any other legislation, no entity is permitted to request the mediator of insurance disputes, to submit any documents, memorandums or any data already submitted thereto or to disclose the statements of the parties, without the approval of the party protested against.
Article (85) A- The Board may upon the recommendation of the Director General establish a fund to remunerate the injured parties from motor accidents, in the cases which are not remunerated by virtue of the provisions of the Civil Liability Compulsory Motor Insurance Regulation in force, and a fund to remunerate the Insureds or the Beneficiaries in the case of the bankruptcy of insurance companies without covering for the liabilities resulting there from, or any other funds the Board may deem to establish. Such funds shall have the corporate status from the date of its establishment.
  B- The Board shall issue pursuant to the recommendation of the Director General, the necessary Instructions to establish these funds, which determine its aims, revenues, liabilities, relation with the Commission and procedures related to its work and management.
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Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57