Membership Re-acceptance of the Jordan Ceramic Industries Co.


Ref. :7571/2021
Date: 03/11/2021 

Memo No.

Members of SDC of Brokers and Custodians 

Dear General Manager, 


Subject: Membership Re-acceptance of the Jordan Ceramic Industries Co.

Further to our memo no. (01/2016) dated 03/01/2016 regarding the membership termination of the Jordan Ceramic Industries Company as a result of the voluntary liquidation based upon the company's General Assembly's decision made in its extraordinary meeting held on 15/12/2015.
Please note that the SDC re-accepted the membership of the Jordan Ceramic Industries Company as of 01/11/2021 based upon the company's General Assembly's decision made in its extraordinary meeting held on 17/08/2021 including the reversal of its previous decision regarding the membership termination and upon providing the SDC with all required documents according to the bylaws and instructions in force at the SDC.
Thereby, the SDC record for the Jordan Ceramic Industries Company indicates the following: 
Issuer Information Security Information
Registration No. Institution No. Subscribed Capital
Security No.
64 200084167 3,750,000 JO4101511015 141015

Kind Regards, 

Jamal Jallab
Acting Chief Executive Officer

sdc ref id
Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57